Exercising During Pregnancy: Everything You Need To Know

Pregnant Woman Exercising

A workout a day keeps the doctor away! 

Many questions come up when considering a healthy pregnancy workout routine. Is it dangerous? Is it necessary? How intense should my workout be? How often do I workout?

Exercise is a good idea for pregnant women who are healthy and are receiving prenatal care. Especially if you are someone who has been active prior to conceiving a child, it is important to stick with your momentum and make it a part of your new pregnancy routine.

Here is the ultimate guide on pregnancy exercises, to answer any of the questions you may have on working out while expecting a child. 

General Guidelines

Pregnant Woman Exercising

Be Careful: Though it’s good to have activity in your day, remember to take it easy because you’re carrying a fragile mini-you in your belly. Avoid any contact sports that can involve potential physical contact such as hockey, soccer, basketball, and football. 

Moderation is Key: Mama can be competitive but try to balance out your routine. Exercise only in moderation so that you don’t overwhelm your body and you leave some energy for other things you do during the day. 

Ask a Doctor: Get necessary medical advice to get the O-K before starting a new workout routine. It’s better to check with a doctor to get proper directions on what is and isn’t safe for you and your baby. 

Make it a Hobby: Always remember that your routine shouldn’t be catered around losing weight. Avoid intense workouts -- instead adopt a healthy state of mind and grow a love and appreciation for staying active to relieve your body and mind.

Benefits of Exercising During Pregnancy

Healthy Exercises During Pregnancy

Exercising for as little as 30 minutes on most days can benefit your health during pregnancy. Just like any other point in your life, it’s important to stay active in your everyday life to get that blood flowing and tackle those body changes during pregnancy.

Here are some benefits that can be the outcome of your new exercise routine:

  • Reduces backaches, constipation, bloating, and swelling
  • Increase in your energy
  • Positive changes in your mood
  • Ensures muscle tone, strength and endurance
  • Improves your posture and body positioning
  • Helps you sleep better
  • Lowers your risk of gestational diabetes 
  • Helps you stay fit which improves your ability to cope during labor and delivery
  • Staying active will help get your body back into shape after having your child

Safe Exercises During Pregnancy

Safe Exercises for Pregnant Women

As long as you take careful precaution, many of the exercises that you do on a normal basis will also be safe during pregnancy. 

The safest activities are swimming, brisk walking, stationary biking, and low-impact aerobics. All these exercises are gentle on your body, carry little risk of injury and are very productive when it comes to using your entire body to stay fit. 

Tennis and Badminton are also safe activities, however because your body’s balance has changed, you may find it hard to move quickly. Jogging and running can be done in moderation as long as you don’t push yourself too hard.

These exercises are also very ordinary and you may already have prior experience with these activities, which makes it easier for you to implement it into your new pregnancy routine.

Exercises to Avoid While Pregnant

Bad Exercises for Pregnant Women

A lot of the activities you may have engaged in before pregnancy can become unsafe and harmful to you and your baby. There are certain exercises that you should avoid performing during pregnancy.

Though swimming is a good idea, avoid holding your breath during any activity. Activities that may involve falling such as skiing or horseback riding is something you also want to stay away from. 

Steer away from any contact sports that require a lot of coordination and rapid movements so that you ensure you don’t get any major injuries. Avoid activities that require extensive jumping or bouncing.

Getting into your Routine

Exercising During Pregnancy

Now that you know some general guidelines, it’s time to get your exercise program going! 

Make sure you wear loose fitting clothing so that you can stay comfortable throughout your whole workout. Make sure you also choose the proper shoe for the kind of workout you are doing so that you avoid any injury or body discomfort. 

Always start with a quick warm up so that you can stretch your body and prepare for your exercise. 

Consume the right amount of calories before you workout (300 more calories per day than before you were pregnant) so that you have the necessary energy for your workout routine. However, wait an hour after your meal before exercising. Also make sure you are drinking plenty of water before, during, and after your workout. 

While working out on the floor, make sure you aren’t pushing yourself too hard when you get up. Avoid rapid movements and instead, get up slowly and gradually to prevent any dizziness or sickness.


Mama knows best, so listen to your body when creating your own exercise routine while you’re pregnant. Staying physically active is important, which means you should embrace the process. 

Remember that getting help is always a good idea, and you should never put yourself in a compromising position where you don’t feel comfortable or safe. 

Stay motivated and don’t give up! You’re a strong baby mama and we know that with the proper direction and drive, you can do whatever you set your mind to.

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