Woman having spring allergy | Neeva Baby

If you suffer from allergies, you know how difficult it is to deal with. Whether you are allergic to food or animals, it is really annoying when it recurs. Many people regularly use allergy medicines to combat it, but when you are pregnant, this can be a problem.

Are you going to be exposed to allergic attacks throughout your pregnancy? Or can you take allergy medicine while pregnant? What are the allergy meds safe for pregnancy?


Allergies during Pregnancy

Allergy symptoms are very common during pregnancy, although the duration of their involvement may be short. In many cases, women experience allergy symptoms only during pregnancy and have had no symptoms before. A woman with a history of allergies before pregnancy can experience the improvement or, on the other hand, the worsening of her symptoms during this period.

Maternal allergies during pregnancy increase the chances of giving birth to a baby with allergies. So, the mother can prevent this by avoiding “allergen” agents or taking pregnancy-safe allergy medicine. However, to prevent the risk of birth defects, it is recommended to choose the medicines with great care.

An “allergen” is an antigen that causes an abnormal, severe immune response. Allergens have a wide range and can be present in different substances. Some common allergens are:

  • Dust
  • Mushrooms
  • Pollen of flowers
  • Cat dandruff
  • Some types of food


Allergy Symptoms

The severity of these symptoms depends on the strength of each person's immune system and varies greatly from person to person. However, pregnant women can always count on allergy medicine safe for pregnancy.

  • Sneezing
  • Nasal congestion
  • Tearing
  • Eye redness
  • Itching in the tongue, throat, and roof of the mouth.


Nutritional Recommendations for People with Allergies

Before answering the question “what allergy medicine can I take while pregnant?” it is best to work on your diet to prevent allergies. Here are some suggestions:

  • Strengthen the immune system with foods containing antioxidants (vitamin C and E);
  • You can use sources such as wheat germ, vegetable oils, walnuts, etc.;
  • Avoid eating fruits susceptible to seasonal allergies, such as apples, carrots, celery, tomatoes, hazelnuts, melons, bananas, cherries, apricots, greengage, and peaches;
  • Consumption of omega-3 fatty acids in fish is effective in relieving symptoms due to its anti-inflammatory properties;
  • Consumption of fiber-rich foods, such as whole grains, fruits, and nuts, balances beneficial gut bacteria that help prevent seasonal allergies;
  • Consumption of yogurt also reduces symptoms;
  • Green tea has anti-allergic properties due to its methyl epigallocatechin gallate;
  • Avoid consuming too many nuts during pregnancy, as it increases the risk of allergies to nuts in children;
  • If you are allergic to certain foods, avoid eating them, read the food label carefully. Because some of the compounds you are sensitive to are secretly present in substances, you do not expect.


Behavioral Advice for People with Allergies

However, there is several pregnancy-safe allergy medicines you can take. You can also prevent it by changing your lifestyle. Here are some behavioral pieces of advice for people with allergies.

First of all, be sure to talk to your doctor about your allergy symptoms. Here are some preventive actions in case you expect allergies during pregnancy:

  • Stay away from smokers;
  • If you are allergic to pollen, try to equip your home with an air purifier. When leaving the house, wear a mask and sunglasses and wash your hands and face on return;
  • If you are sensitive to dust, it is best to ask someone else to clean the dust in your home;
  • If you are allergic to pets, it is best to leave the pet with a friend or allocate a separate room in the house for that animal before your allergy symptoms begin;
  • Use a solution of warm water and salt to rinse your nose to reduce symptoms;
  • Use a fumigator at night to keep the bedroom moist;
  • Avoid allergens;
  • Most allergens enter the home during early mornings and evenings, so close the windows at these times;
  • Use mint incense.


What Allergy Medicine can I take while Pregnant?

In case the symptoms of allergy persist notwithstanding the observance of these recommendations, you can use the medicine your doctor has prescribed. Be careful not to take allergy medications in the first trimester of pregnancy. You can take the following allergy medicine for pregnant women after consulting with your doctor for professional medical advice diagnosis.

If the type of allergy is diagnosed, the treatment becomes very simple.

Antihistamine medications (chlorpheniramine, triphenylamine, and diphenhydramine) are generally allergy-safe meds while pregnant. However, there are some side effects such as feeling drowsy and tired. Before taking any medication, consult your doctor about the safety of taking it during pregnancy.

Using anticonvulsants to open the airways is common among people with allergies. These drugs contain pseudoephedrine compounds that may not be a viable option for pregnant women. Especially in the first trimester of pregnancy, they are most dangerous for the fetus and should be avoided. Because in some studies, congenital disorders (abdominal wall defects) caused by this drug have been reported.

Oxymetazoline nasal spray is relatively safe for opening the nasal passages. However, it must be used for a short period of 2 to 3 days.

Corticosteroids (cromolyn and beclomethasone), if used as a nasal spray, are effective in relieving symptoms due to their anti-inflammatory properties.



Many pregnant women experience an improvement in allergy status or its disappearance during pregnancy. But many others still struggle with seasonal allergies, animal hair allergies, and other types. No need to mention food allergies!

Although it is easier to abstain from food during this time, you may still inadvertently be exposed to other stimulants and need allergy medicine while pregnant. Fortunately for pregnant women with various allergies, many medications are perfectly safe during pregnancy.

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