Protein in Urine during Pregnancy: Causes and Treatment

Protein in Urine during Pregnancy: Causes and Treatment | Neeva Baby


Have you ever wondered why your doctor asks you to pee in a cup every time you go to a prenatal visit?

Well, it turns out that your urine is a good indicator when it comes to understanding your overall health during your pregnancy. Through a urine sample, your doctor or healthcare provider is able to tell whether you're dehydrated or if you have an infection.

A trace of protein in urine during pregnancy (proteinuria) is very common. However, when protein levels become too high, it can be a sign of preeclampsia. This serious condition can cause health problems for both the mother and baby.

In this article, we will discuss the causes of protein in urine during pregnancy, as well as treatment options.


What is the protein in urine during pregnancy and what are the causes?

Your kidneys are a vital organ during your pregnancy as they work to filter out the waste products in your blood, while keeping healthy proteins in your body. After being filtered, the waste is released into your urine.

It is usually an indication that something isn't functioning properly in your kidneys if protein is found in your urine. 

In general, protein in your urine can be temporarily elevated due to the following reasons:

  • Emotional stress
  • Physical stress
  • Fever
  • Dehydration
  • Exposure to extreme temperatures

When a pregnant woman has more than just a trace of protein in her urine, it is called proteinuria. Proteinuria can be caused by many things, but the most common reason is preeclampsia. Preeclampsia is a serious condition that affects about five percent of pregnancies. It occurs when a woman has high blood pressure and protein in her urine after the 20th week of pregnancy. Preeclampsia is a condition in which the placenta has stopped developing normally. It affects one in five pregnant women and can be fatal to both mother and fetus if not treated.

 Proteinuria can also be caused by other conditions such as gestational diabetes, kidney disease, or a urinary tract infection. If you are pregnant and have protein in your urine, it is important to talk to your doctor so they can determine the cause.


How will I know if I have protein in my urine during pregnancy and what are the symptoms?

If you have protein in your urine during pregnancy, you may notice that your urine is foamy or has a lot of bubbles. You may also notice that you need to urinate more often than usual. If you have these symptoms, it is important to contact your doctor so they can perform a urine test.

Other symptoms are associated with preeclampsia, such as headaches, vision problems, and swelling in the hands and feet. If you experience any of these symptoms, it is important to contact your doctor right away.


When to seek medical attention for protein in urine during pregnancy? 

There's no need to be concerned if you discover a trace of protein in your urine during pregnancy. However, if you begin producing more protein in your urine or experience any other signs, it is recommended that you see your doctor immediately. Preeclampsia can be dangerous, and it should be treated as soon as possible.


What is the treatment for protein in urine during pregnancy and how will it help me and my baby health-wise? 

If you have protein in your urine during pregnancy, your doctor will likely want to monitor you closely. They may perform more frequent urine tests and blood pressure checks. If you are diagnosed with preeclampsia, your doctor will likely recommend bed rest and close monitoring. In some cases, medication may be necessary to lower blood pressure. If the preeclampsia is severe, the baby may need to be delivered early.

It is important to remember that protein in urine during pregnancy is common. However, if you have more than just a trace of protein, it is important to contact your doctor so they can determine the cause and provide proper treatment. With proper treatment and monitoring, most women with proteinuria will have a healthy pregnancy and baby.


Are there any risks associated with proteinuria during pregnancy that I should be aware of before deciding to treat it or not treat it? 

There are some risks associated with proteinuria during pregnancy. However, most of these risks are associated with untreated preeclampsia. Some of the potential risks include:

  • High blood pressure can cause seizures, stroke, or even death
  • Damage to the liver, kidneys, or brain
  • Early delivery of the baby, can lead to health problems for the baby

If you have protein in your urine during pregnancy, it is important to talk to your doctor so they can determine the cause and provide proper treatment. With proper treatment and monitoring, most women with proteinuria will have a healthy pregnancy and baby. Preeclampsia, on the other hand, may cause serious health issues for both mother and baby if it isn't treated promptly.


If I do have proteinuria during my pregnancy, what can I do to prevent it from worsening or happening again in future pregnancies? 

If you have proteinuria during your pregnancy, there are some things you can do to help prevent it from worsening or happening again in future pregnancies. Some of these steps include:

  • Reducing salt intake
  • Maintaining a healthy weight
  • Exercising regularly
  • Drinking plenty of water

By following these tips, you can help reduce your risk of developing proteinuria during pregnancy. If you have any questions or concerns, be sure to talk to your doctor. They can provide more personalized advice based on your situation.


Will having proteinuria affect my chances of having a healthy baby?

 Proteinuria during pregnancy can affect your chances of having a healthy baby. If left untreated, preeclampsia can lead to serious health problems for both the mother and baby. However, with proper treatment and monitoring, most women with proteinuria will have a healthy pregnancy and baby. If you have any questions or concerns, be sure to talk to your doctor. They can provide more personalized advice based on your situation.



Protein in the urine is fairly typical during pregnancy. However, if you have more than a trace of protein, you must contact your doctor so they may investigate the cause and give the appropriate therapy. Most women with proteinuria will have a healthy pregnancy if properly treated and monitored. Preeclampsia is one of the most severe complications that can result from proteinuria during pregnancy and should be treated promptly if diagnosed. With early diagnosis and treatment, the vast majority of women will have healthy babies. If you have any questions or concerns, please speak to your doctor. Thank you for reading!

If you're looking for more information on protein in urine during pregnancy, here are some helpful resources:


Protein in Urine During Pregnancy: What It Means and When to Worry

- Proteinuria in Pregnancy: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

Preeclampsia - Symptoms and causes

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